Ruka Bike Park

Ruka summer rental

Bikes, fishing permits, minigolf equipment, and more. Our bike maintenance service is also available.

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Summer activities


Equipment to Ruka Bike Park and e-bikes and mountain bikes for all adventures you want to take on at Ruka

Summer rental services are available in the Piste rental store located in Ruka Village and in our online rental store. By renting equipment in our online store in good time, you also ensure that you will get the equipment that is the best fit for you.

Dirt bikes and scoots for the pump track located in Ruka Valley are rented from Ski-Inn Hotel RukaValley reception. RukaStore rents, e.g., frisbee golf discs, hiking poles, and baby carriers.

Rental equipment prices for summer 2024:

Bikes for adults

Bike model ½ day* 1 day 2 days 3 days extra day
Full suspension bikes 42 € 53 € 76 € 93 € 20 €
DH downhill bike ** 51 € 69 € 115 € 149 € 30 €
MTB (Hardtail XC) / Dirt-bike *** 31 € 43 € 69 € 80 € 10 €

* 1/2 day is either morning 9.30-13.30 or afternoon 14.30-18.

** Includes full-face helmet

*** Dirt Bikes are available at the Ski-Inn Hotel RukaValley Reception

The bike rental price includes a bike, helmet, and lock.

Bikes for children

Bike model ½ day 1 day 2 days 3 days Extra day
MTB Junior (Hardtail XC) / Junior dirt-bike 25 € 30 € 43 € 55 € 10 €
Kids' kickbike /scoot 17 € 22 € 33 € 43 € 10 €
Junior full suspension bike 31 € 43 € 62 € 80 € 20 €

*Scoot rental is from Ski-Inn RukaValley reception


Bike model ½ day 1 day 2 days 3 days Extra day
E-bike 53 € 83 € - - 60 €
E-bike full suspension 71 € 93 € - - 70 €

Additional equipment

Additional equipment ½ DAY 1 day (24h) 2 days (48 h) 3 days Extra day
DH protective equipment set *** 18 € 23 € 38 € 50 € 10 €
Lock pedals 12 € 17 € 22 € 10 €
Helmet (*not fullface) 9 € 13 € 18 € 7 €
Lock * 9 € 13 € 18 € 5 €
Child/baby bike seat 12 € 17 € 22 € 10 €
Survivor set ** 8 € 8 € 8 € 8 € 8 €
Bicycle carrier for car 5 € 5 € 5 € 5 € 5€
Child bike trailer 16 € 32 € 47 € 10 €
Cycle coverage 10 €****

* Lost key or lock +20€ 

** Survivor set includes extra tire, tools, and repair kit. 

*** Knee pads, elbow pads, protective armor, full-face helmet.

****We recommend adding our coverage plan when renting, which reduces the deductible in case of damage to 50 euros. Without coverage, the deductible is 200 €. Our coverage does not apply to stolen/lost bicycles.

Bike rental terms and conditions

Group min. 15 people -20% off regular prices.

You are responsible for the bike throughout the rental, so keep it as your own. All bike rentals have a 200 € deductible.

Any intentional and unintentional damage caused by the renter will be charged according to the repair costs. In the event of damage, e.g., a tire burst, the renter is responsible for all costs incurred, such as a taxi ride.

We operate according to the terms and conditions negotiated by The Finnish Ski Area Association (FSAA) and the Finnish Consumer Ombudsman. 

Fishing permits and equipment for Kaltiolampi pond

Tuote Hinta Huom.
Fishing permit 15 € / day inc. 1 fish
Additional fish 11,50 €
Equipment 8,50 € inc. rod, reel and 4 lures.

Which fish swim in the pond? See more details:

More info

Minigolf (rental from Piste and RukaVillage)

Adult Child (4-11 yrs.) & senior (over 65 yrs.)
One round (inc. bat and ball) 8 € 6 €


Duration Price
round 10 €

The set includes 3 discs and a carrying case.

Hiking poles and child carriers

Product 1 day Extra day
Hiking poles 10 € 5 €
Child carrier 16 € 10 €


Bike Maintenance at Piste rental store

When your bike needs some care and repair, we will help you out. See maintenance prices below.


Bike Maintenance pricelist 2024

Maintenance and wash

Service Price
Tire change (10 € + spare parts) from 10 €
Tightening bike spokes from 15 €
Wheel alignment (lateral throw) from 20 €
Gear adjustment from 10 €
Gear maintenance (20 € + spare parts) from 20 €
Chain exchange (15 € + spare parts) from 15 €
Cassette replacement (20 € + spare parts) from 20 €
Gear repair (from 30 € + spare parts) from 30 €
Hand wash and chain oiling 20 €
Replacement of brake pads (10 € + spare parts) from 10 €
Brake application from 20 €

Prices are from-prices, as the price is affected by the duration of the maintenance, depending on the bike and the spare parts used. Ask for a more detailed price on site.

Summer ticket prices
Ruka-Kuusamo icon pyöräily
Ruka Bike Park
Ruka-Kuusamo icon käyntikohteet
Ruka summer resort
Ski-inn majoitus
Ski-Inn accommodation
Rental services all year round

During winter season you will find our rental services from Piste, Valley ja Vuosselinportti rental stores. Get to know our winter rental selection and prices.

Ruka kavereille